I understand that you are the owner of @nudohairlab_pta, @vintage_vista_shop, and
@bo_gene, can you briefly tell us about each and one of them?

”My family are very business orientated, from a young age I have loved everything about business, and grew up constantly surrounded by and learning the core principles of a successful business. Although I studied Genetics, by the time I was about 24 I was itching to move into business like the rest of my family. 
That’s when I opened Vintage Vista alongside my Mother, she is a fierce business women and has grown many large and successful businesses. I spent about 4 years on this business learning everything from her. Interior design was such a love for us that it came quite naturally. In 2017 an opportunity presented itself and we were able to open up Nudo Hair Lab with our now partner Pearl Daniels. Knowing absolutely nothing about hair, meant that we had to really stick to our guns when it came to the way we run a business. But such an important part of any successful business is having the right partners. Pearl is an incredible hair guru and well known in the industry, that combined  with our business skills has really made for a great partnership.
Bogene came about 2 years ago as a passion project and just something that I have been wanting to do for many years. I don’t often get as much time as what I would like to grow it but for now, it’s a low key, fun and full of passion kind of project.”

Is there more that you do that we don’t know about?  

”For now, the three businesses are all that I can handle at this stage. But there are always more dreams in the pipeline.”

How do you tackle all three of your businesses, and also your personal life?

”As I mentioned previously, having the right people by your side is the most important thing when you own more than one business. These people need to similar minded to you, have the same drive and ambition and must be trust worthy. It’s the hardest thing to find, because not everyone is a brave go getter. But if you can find the right time then you can do it all.”

Moving on to NUDO Hair Lab, how did you start it? The motivation behind

”We met Pearl, our partner when she started renting a space from our shop Vintage Vista for her nail salon. She was an incredible business women and we were immediately drawn to her because she was just as driven as we were. She was renting a chair at another salon doing extensions. We really just believed in her work ethic and thought that as a team we could do something special. So we invested in  her skills and opened a salon with her. It was really just about finding a great opportunity and having the know how to follow through with it.”

What are the challenges you experienced as a female entrepreneur in the
beginning of your journey?

”Being a woman has never stopped me from doing anything. I don’t really see gender in business. You have to be confident in what ever it is you doing, go big and demand respect.”

I believe the journey of entrepreneurship is endless education/knowledge,
what do you now know about running a business that you wish you could’ve
known earlier?

”As our business has grown, so has our staff compliment. Something that is a continuous learning curve for me is how to take care and properly manage our staff. I generally always want to be liked by everyone, and unfortunately when you are managing a lot of people you are not always going to be the good guy. I am always learning how to deal with new situations that arise.”

Any advice you’d like to give to thousands of ladies out there who’d like to be
their own bosses?

”The best advice I can give is to firstly do your homework. Before we open any business we spend hundreds of hours researching the industry and how we plan to do it better. The next thing is all about the hard work. You can never become complacent. You can never stop pushing. And the last thing is, if you going to do it, do it properly and be the best. Stand out from the rest or don’t even bother.”

Now it's time for us to apply the secrets to our daily lives and business ideas. There is no shortage of remarkable ideas, what's missing is the will to execute them. It is time! 


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