”The Epiphany concept was born from a love of local brands and creative talent. My sister and I had a vision to create awareness, expose beauty and increase sales of our local loves nationally.
The dream to consciously effect change in South Africa by supporting our economy and our people is a mission that will always stay close to our heart.
When Lauren moved to Johannesburg last year in August it meant that she was unable to be as hands on with Epiphany, and her high pressure design career needed to be prioritised.
As a team we made the hard decision for me, Jessica, to move forward on my own whilst still bouncing ideas off Lolls when I needed that honest sisterly/business partner advice.
My vision for 2020 is to move beyond an online store that limits brand recognition to products available for purchase, to an authentic marketing ground that collaborates with brands of similar taste, style and aesthetic in a way that encourages the consumer to:
• Support these local brands
• Purchase online more often
• Remove the stigma attached to expense of local vs commercial goods and brands
On top of this, I am including an element of charity which was not there before, that will push local brands to donate and consumers to get involved. This is exciting me beyond measure and makes my heart beat that much faster.”

Jessica Campbell - Founder
Follow up questions:
Who are your target market and which channels do you use to reach out to them and why?

”For us, Instagram is where it’s at. We are linked to Facebook and of course the Brand Directory is run from our website www.shopepiphany.co.za - but Instagram has been the best place for us to engage, share and make traction as a brand in South Africa. 
Our brand selection and style appeals mainly to woman age 25 to 35+ and we always bear this in mind in our brand selection and feed design.
However, we have two target markets that run parallel. 
Firstly we have local brands working in apparel, decor and luxury items. We are constantly on the look out for great brands and stores in these markets that appreciate our outlook and our need to support the South African economy as well as our aesthetic.
Secondly, are the consumers that want to support local, share our views and appreciate our style.
With the above approach we have built amazing relationships with hundreds of local brands, creatives and consumers that now feel like friends. I don’t think that would have been possible with IG @shopepiphany.”

Since Epiphany is a brand directory, what criteria do you follow to choose brands to partner with?

”Well of course they have to be a local business who is creating wealth and/or job opportunities for our country. We then give extra points for sustainability focus, product quality, style and aesthetic and a friendly, upbeat business owner is a must. 
At the end of the day, when you work with local entrepreneurs their businesses are their babies. They put their heart and soul into them and working so closely with them means that a business owner with a negative attitude or unfriendly nature can be a deal breaker. Unity is key if we are going to grow your local brand/business together.”

Shop Mañana,  Xo Accessories, Michelle Robyn Jewellery & Poetry 

In a world full of online stores, what makes Epiphany stand out in the crowd, the value proposition?

”I think our genuine love of local shines through in our posts. But beyond that, we are all about working together with local brands. We are not interested in relationships that don’t benefit one of the parties involved. We keep our lines of communication open, stay away from contracts that tie people in unnecessarily and if something isn’t going according to plan we adapt. We are open to change and I think that in itself is a rare find.
This attitude is something we have been complimented on time and again - and it is my hope that our heart and soul makes us stand out in the crowd of other online stores. We were born and raised with the belief that kindness is free and giving people time and attention is an amazing gift that really doesn’t cost a cent. That’s what is really important to me and what I want to be known for (well, that and good taste! Haha).”

For brands or fashion designers who’d like to showcase their work through your website, how can they get hold of you?

”They can pop me a mail jessica@shopepiphany.co.za

Xo Accessories feat Tiloné

What current obstacles is Epiphany facing right now that is hindering the growth of the store and how does the team plan to improve it? 

”My biggest challenge at the moment is actually changing the mindset of EPIPHANY ONLINE STORE to rather EPIPHANY LOCAL BRAND DIRECTORY.
At the moment I am working on ways to effectively make this shift, but like all great things in life this can not be rushed.

I want the Epiphany social feeds to feel more personal from my perspective. I want my audience to get to know me and what I am about. I think that putting a face to a brand is really impotent when the heart and soul of it runs so deep. 

In terms of the directory, it’s not always easy to sell an idea that doesn’t necessarily have a track record. 
But with hardwork, constant reminders, time and prayer I have no doubt that Epiphany can overcome any challenges that come its way.  
The proof is in the pudding and I feel confident that our directory will be a well used resource for many South Africans with good taste, a heart for local and a love of luxury.”

Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.” -Harriet Tubman


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