You can do it and love it!

1. How to Work Smarter

Working smarter and not harder and being able to do so from home is something everyone can learn to do, especially if you truly have a strong desire to work from home or you’re working for your own business. Here are some quick tips to help you work smarter:

Make a schedule and keep it. Once you have a schedule, you can see where your time is going to be spent.

1. Make a list. If you have a tangible list of things you must do, then you’re more apt to accomplish what you need to do. Plus, checking things off your list will give you an incredible boost!
2. Break big projects down. If you break them down into manageable pieces, you’re more likely to be able to tackle them
3. Use a timer if you need to. A timer can help you keep better track of your time and help keep you focused on the task at hand.
4. Create a good work environment. Close your door to shut out noise, turn off your phone if that’s possible. Make sure you can concentrate on what needs to be done.
By using these tips, you can make your time at home working as productive as possible so that you don’t waste time and can use the rest of your time for the important things—like your children and family. After all, work is important but there are other things that trump work.

2. Part Time Jobs

I don’t think anyone would turn down a job that was part time work for full time pay, but where can you actually find a reliable income for working half the time?

If you look on the Internet, claims abound from people promising to hook you up with full time wages for barely working. One thing you should remember when reading these claims is that if it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is. A word of caution when you’re searching online for work—buyer beware. There are many unscrupulous people out there who will take your money and not give you anything of value in return.

Having said that, there are incredible opportunities online that cannot be found anywhere else. There are people making millions of dollars a year by working online and you can follow in their footsteps. Working from home has never been easier and more accessible to people wanting to do so.

I can show you how to make money online by creating different income streams using separate ways to do so. If you want to work online, here’s some tips that will help you get up and running quickly. You’ll spend more time initially, getting things set up, but once it’s running you can sit back and watch the money roll in.
There are some things you need to do before you jump right into making money online.
First, you must decide just what it is that you want to do. Take a look at where your strengths lie, what you’re interested in, what talents you have and what you can do with them.

You’ll need a computer, Internet access, and the ability to take payments online from a service such as Paypal or credit cards. You’ll need a website, so you should look for cheap domains to purchase that will host your Internet venture, if that’s the direction you’re going to take your business.
There are ways to make money online without owning a website and I’ll talk more about those methods in a minute.

3. Can You Write?

An eBook is short for Electronic Book, it’s created on a computer and sold digitally to customers. It does not pass through editors and publishers who all take a portion of the profits from the author. If you can write and are an expert on something, you can write an eBook and sell it online. 

An Ebook has distinct advantages over a regular book in that you can place hyperlinks into an eBook that will direct customers to websites where you may be selling products relating to that particular eBook. In this way you make money once on your eBook sells and then again when your customers pay you a visit on your website.

You can place Affiliate Links in your book. An Affiliate link is where your customer clicks and is taken to a place like Amazon or another website selling products. When they purchase products from these links, you the author, are given a portion of the sale.

If you enjoy writing, you may wish to try your hand at writing a blog. The subject can be anything of interest to you, and you can place ads targeted to your audience on your blog. When items are bought by your readers through those links, you make money. Ka-ching!
If you can write, you can make money online.

4. Market Yourself

There are numerous ways to make money through Internet Marketing. What you’re going to need is a product to sell, whether it be a physical product or a digital product of information.

Let’s say you create ceramic Faeries, in all shapes and colors. Some are happy some are sad and a few are just plain creepy looking. Now you want to make money off your Faeries. You will need to market them.
You’ll need a website, a sales page, pictures of your Faerie inventory and your prices. Setting up a domain, an account with paypal and then advertising your wares in various places is all well and good, but what if no one comes to visit your site? You have no traffic. You need traffic.

Market yourself. Put your name out there as THE person to see for ceramic Faeries. Put in keywords, the words that search engines look for people are searching for things online, all through your website. Visit other sites that are Faerie related. Trade links with them, foster a relationship in Faerie forums and brand your name. Advertise through Google or other web pages. Bring in the customers.

5. Make Money on Ebay

There is a special place called eBay, where all the used clothing, the Steppenwolf cd’s people got tired of, recycled bridesmaids gowns, eBooks on how to get rock hard abs without moving off the couch and all the odd toys from the island of misfit toys come to be sold at auction to the highest bidder~~and people are making a killing there.

If you have something you would like to sell, something you don’t need any longer, you can put it up for sale on Ebay. Set up a free account, browse the categories’ they offer to get an idea of what’s for sale and then either buy something or put something up for sale yourself. For a small fee, you can add pictures to your listing and create your own sales page to bring in customers. 

If you have a large inventory of things, like...oh, say Pot Bellied Pigs or Ceramic Faeries, you can have an online eBay store to sell your stock of the these items. The benefits of online store far outweigh the cost and time and problems associated with having a traditional brick-and-mortar store. If you don’t want to have an online store, then an auction is the way to go.

You can customize your auctions on eBay for three days or an entire week, depending upon how much exposure you want and how fast you’d like it to go. Set a reserve price for your product, so that someone can simply pay that price, end the auction and go home with your product. Ebay is an excellent way to make money online.

6. Run an In-Home Daycare !

This is not for the faint of heart—or for anyone who doesn’t adore children. Everyone knows that children can try a person’s patience and unless you are a person who loves children and has immense reservoirs of patience—you should not try this at home.

Many mothers are eschewing the workplace to stay home with their own children. This puts an enormous strain on a family’s finances, going from two incomes down to one, especially after adding another mouth to feed to the mix.

Stay at home moms are opting to run day cares in their own homes.

Before you start taking in random children from the neighborhood, you must contact your local licensing agency to find out about the laws governing in- home daycares. Some states will allow you to watch another family member’s child or children without becoming licensed. Others require that you take classes in cpr, nutrition, and pass a background check.

Make sure you also check with your homeowners insurance to see what they offer in the way of coverage. You will need insurance for your at home business venture.


Everyone is chasing the almighty dollar in hopes of catching it so they won’t have to keep slaving away in a cubicle or in a factory. As a whole, we’re working smarter but we can still do much better in our pursuit of a full time income while working from home.

There are a great number of ways to make money working at home and I’ll recap them here for you, as well as add a few more that we didn’t talk about:

1. Affiliate Marketing
2. Ebay
3. Craigslist
4. Article Directories
5. Writing eBooks
6. Blogs
7. Google Adsense

Once you learn the ropes, your potential for bringing in income is unlimited. First you need to understand how each system works, talk to people on forums where money is being made, ask questions and do your best to learn and soon you’ll be making that full time income with only part time work.


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